7:20 Rise and Shine
7:50 Gold Rocks
7:55 Breakfast Assembly
8:00-8:45 Breakfast
8:45-8:55 Cheetah Clue: a fun, camp-wide game! The cabin that solves it correctly first wins a prize!
9:00-9:25 Empower
9:25-9:55 Impact Time
9:55-10:00 Skill Assembly
10:00-11:00 Skill 1
10:55-11:00 Skill Assembly
11:00-11:50 Skill 2
11:55-12:15 Lunch Assembly
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:50-1:45 Rest Time
1:50-2:40 Mac & Swag
2:45-3:45 Insane Game
3:50-4:15 Tea Time
4:15-5:35 Free Time: time for campers to play games, make crafts, have conversations, and more!
6:00-6:55 Dinner
7:00-8:00 Tsavo @7 - Evening Program
8:00- 8:45 Evening Game for Snr Camp /Theme Night/Cross Talk/Summit Fires
8:45-9:45 Jr. Camp Showers, Rewind, Lights Out
9:15-10:15 Sr. Camp Showers, Rewind,
11:00 Lights Out