Why Should I Send My Child to Camp?

Did you know that children all over the globe attend camp every holiday season? There are almost 13,000 holiday camps (often called summer camps) in the United States and Europe alone! Camp BlueSky has the unique opportunity to bring the overnight camping adventure to Nairobi, Kenya. Because an overnight camp experience is unique to this part of the world, you may be wondering, “Why should I send my child(ren) to camp?”

Kids love camp! Thankfully, while kids are having the time of their lives during their week of adventure, they are also learning and growing! According to research, campers participating in overnight camps believe they are important, grow more independent, learn to lead and participate in different peer groups, become aware of the environment around them, make positive decisions, and grow spiritually (Thurber et al., 2006).

At Camp BlueSky, we boil the above list down to three main components: Grow Spiritually, Build Friendships, and Have Fun!


Camp is a unique space that allows your campers to become comfortable with new surroundings, new peer groups, and adults they can trust. Kids must feel comfortable in their surroundings in order to reach the point of vulnerability and growth (Beightol, Jevertson, Carter, Gray, & Gass, 2012).

Campers naturally grow in self-confidence while they are away from their normal home culture. They learn to think independently through the mundane tasks of cleaning their cabin and brushing their teeth, but also through challenges such as learning a new skill or being away from home for the first time.

As their self-confidence and independence grow throughout the week of camp, they can confidently and independently consider what they believe about their personal faith and the faith of their family. We believe that Jesus is the source of all adventure and that a personal relationship with Him is a gift we can share.

Our campers come from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds. In fact, we had campers from 35 different home countries last year! We lean into the diversity in our camp environment and want all campers to feel welcome.

Campers are invited to explore the faith in Jesus that our staff share but are never pressured to explore outside of their comfort zone.


We value the opportunity your camper has to not only be comfortable, but to also feel like they belong. Campers at Camp BlueSky are loved and supported by our excellent staff members, but they also get to meet new peers. In today’s culture filled with social media and the pressure that brings, campers get to fully disconnect from the world outside.

Oh, did we mention that camp is a technology-free environment for your campers?! That’s right, your children will get to be cell phone free while they are at camp. You can imagine the benefits this brings! Instead of worrying about social media, gaming, or the latest trends, your kids are genuinely connecting with their peers and our staff members. Campers (and staff!) have reported feeling like they have made some of the best friends in their life through only one week at camp. We believe in the power of deep and meaningful friendships that are built upon a unique experience together.


When campers arrive at Camp BlueSky, we are obliged to communicate our Camp Rules. Of course, safety is our number one priority, but our number one rule? “Have fun!” We want your campers to feel like they can freely play and be a kid! Society puts an immense amount of pressure on our younger generation, so we strive to relieve that pressure and foster as much laughter, fun, and memories as we can.

Did you know that children who are deprived of play and the risks involved with play are noted to be at a statistically higher risk for obesity, mental health issues, and a general slowed development? (Article) Creative and perceived risky play are imperative to healthy childhood development. We allow your campers to have fun through our safe and creative programming. Many returning camp parents say their campers are singing camp songs and talking about camp all year long as they wait for the next season!

And remember, a great component of camp is that you can ensure your camper has a week full of fun, while allowing yourself to also have a bit of a break. Maybe this will allow you to take a week of fun for yourself?!

We hope you feel encouraged and empowered to send your camper to Camp BlueSky! We work all year to ensure your campers have an excellent program while they are with us. We care greatly about Growing Spiritually, Building Friendships, and Having Fun! Why? Because, as we tell our staff, “Camp is for the campers!” and we are honored to play a role in the healthy development of your child!

Suggested Resources for Further Reading




Brussoni, M., Olsen, L. L., Pike, I., & Sleet, D. A. (2012). Risky play and children's safety: Balancing priorities for optimal child development.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(9), 3134-48. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/docview/1086344998?accountid=12085

Thurber, C. A., Scanlin, M. M., Scheuler, L., & Henderson, K. A. (2006). Youth development outcomes of the camp experience: Evidence for multidimensional growth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,36(3),241–254.doi:10.1007/s10964-006-9142-6


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Living Like You’re at Camp